LIFE WITH GOD: What do you have?
(Download this study here.)
By: Peter Bales
No. 29, May 12, 2024
READ Acts 3:1-10.
The question we are considering today is, “What do we have?” So many times, when people get honest, they admit feeling inadequate and weak. Many of us are afraid that others will find out we don’t know what we are doing and that we are bluffing our way through life! Sound familiar!??
But we may be stronger than we even know. For example, let’s remember what happened to Moses. READ Exodus 4:1-5. Moses thought he wasn’t up to the job and he asked God to send someone else!
- How did God equip Moses for the task that Moses was called to?
How about another story? One time a large crowd was listening to Jesus teach for a long time. The disciples suggested sending them away to get food. Here’s what Jesus said: “You give them something to eat.” They said to him, “That would take more than half a year’s wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?” “How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.” (Mark 6:37-38)
Jesus took those 5 loaves and two fish and feed the multitude—and still had 12 basketfuls leftover!
- What can we learn from these stories about underestimating God?
- What is a time where you didn’t have very much to offer and God multiplied it?
Let’s go back to the passage in Acts. Peter says, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” The fact that the man is healed is amazing! What’s also amazing is the way that he was healed. Peter must have known that he had something to give the man. We might call this a gift of faith and it’s mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:9). It’s when you have extraordinary (even supernatural) faith that God is going to do something. Peter had that kind of faith and he told the man to get up and walk!
- What did Peter have to offer the man?
Peter took a risk, but he knew what God could do. He had seen many healings and felt the Holy Spirit moving him to act. Peter encountered a need, and he took action. Many of us have tried to act in faith but it didn’t work out, so we got discouraged. We may not see results like Peter did on the first try, but we must continue to believe God and step out in faith.
- What was a time when you were disappointed in God? What encourages us to trust and try again?
Think about this- What would you do differently if you knew God was going to back you up and come through? What bold prayer would you pray? What step of faith might you take? Peter saw the need and acted in faith. Sometimes, we get numb to the needs around us and just accept things. We’ve gotten comfortable or perhaps we feel powerless to make a difference. John Mark Comer says, “We are so used to death, disease, injustice, and chaos that we forget- they are the intruders in God’s good world” (John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way).
One of the main things that we have is our presence. We can make an impact just by being there. Why? Because you are not just you anymore. You are doing life with God! God has poured out his Holy Spirit on us, so it’s never “just” us! When we encourage someone or try to meet a need, he is there to give us the power we need. He is our source of strength.
- What is a time when God showed up in your life and surprised you?
Just like Peter, God helps us pray bold prayers. Why? Because he wants us to! In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Wow! He wants us to speak bold prayers and even speak to the ‘mountains’?! I don’t think he’s talking about literal mountains. He talking about problems that seem as big as mountains. He wants us to pray and ask for the impossible!
As we see with Peter in Acts 3, we want to remember what we have available to us—God is with us. When God is with us there is no lack! We have enough for every challenge. We also see that God will put opportunities right in front of us. We can ask Holy Spirit to lead us and then pray with boldness! For many of us, learning to live like this will feel like starting to use muscles that we’ve never used before! It takes time to practice and grow.
- What are the places in your life that you feel challenged to take a step of faith?
- What are the mountains that you can be speaking to? What are the challenges you want to overcome?
GOING DEEPER>>> READ Ephesians 3:14-21 and mediate on God’s love for you and invitation to dream big dreams!