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The Crossroads Web Team wants to keep you informed of the many different ways we can continue to help be a site that is relevant to your everyday living.  Listed below are a few ways that just may help:

"Plugged In" is a review website that is focused to "shining a light on the world of popular entertainment".  Reviews are on movies, TV shows, video games and more.  This family focused website also has many tools for your own movie nights and fun packed themes wrapped around some of your favorite media.  You can get to their website by clicking onto our toolbar button listed as MOVIES,TV +  This is located on the top menu bar of every page. 

Interested in a good family radio station?  WBGL is just that type of station you're looking for then.  Go to the "Reaching Out" button located just left of the "Movies,TV +" button and on the drop down menu you'll find LINKS OF INTEREST.  Click on these words and when you come to the links page you will find the WBGL link and "listen now" button.  We urge to go ahead and browse their website and listen to the music.  We believe you'll find this station and site, a great way to hear great music and inspiration.  Family friendly - WBGL

The last thing we would like to mention at this point, is a way to stay connected here at Crossroads.  We have currently placed a way to receive text messages from Crossroads.  When there may be an urgent message, a reminder or cancellation that the church might need to know about, we will post and send a text message to all that have signed up for the alert.  To sign up for our text alerts, please go to the Members tab (next to the scrolling pictures on the home page of - left side) or the Members Connections box (top right of home page under the service times and "contact us" button) and find the blue text reading "sign up for text alerts" or the underlined "here" to begin the process.  Click on those words and fill in your information.  Please rest assured that your privacy is very importantto us at Crossroads. 

If you have any questions about any of these new features that are meant to help keep you connected, just feel free to call the church office and ask for Steve @ 812-268-0088.  We hope you enjoy what has to offer and we ask for your prayers as we continue to go forward in this endeavor to help keep the Crossroads Family and the Kingdom of God connected.

Be Blessed ~

Steve & Crossroads98 Web Team

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