Experiencing God Study! Wednesday nights at 6:30 starting January 15th!


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Crossroads Community Church has a heart for the world, from our neighborhood to the other side of the planet!  We have ministry partners and friends in many places and commit a large part of our budget to missions.  Here are some of the main ministries that we are working with.

FCW Name wide

(Visit Forgotten Children Worldwide

"Our approach to breaking the cycle of poverty is to PROTECT, by providing for basic needs, EMPOWER, by providing education and self-sustainability programming, and LOVE, by sharing  the love of Jesus Christ. Then we REPEAT in as many children's lives as possible." 


We've been part of trips to both India and Uganda, places where FCW has local minsters and pastors that we support to save children from poverty and trafficking, providing both food and shelter as well as spiritual nourisment and sharing the Gospel.

Matt Hartsell, founder and executive director shares some of the needs and opportunities that we are helping with in Uganda:

You can sponsor a child with Forgotten Children Worldwide here.


NLFH Name wide

(Visit New Life For Haiti)

The mission of New Life for Haiti is to minister to the needs of families and children in the Grand Anse River valley, sharing our love for Christ and His message, promoting self-sufficiency and hope for a sustainable future.

NewLifeForHaitiHaiti has been in the news for the political unrest going on there. The hardships are not new and many children and families are suffering.  In the past, Crossroads has sponsored several trips to Haiti for construction projects to build schools and help with the ministries located there.  The country is more closed to travel now, but many in our congregation sponsor children there and we are supporting and praying for those who are still there in some of the hardest circumstances.  

Great Exchange Slides (9)

You can sponsor a child in Haiti here.

Missions Names

¡Buenas, mi nombre es Gabriela Vijil!

Gabriela VijilI was born in Honduras, Central America and grew up there as a missionary kid until I was 10 years old. Growing up in an impoverished area of Honduras, I watched how my parents provided for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of those that lived around us. It instilled in me a heart of compassion for people and a passion for teaching the Gospel. Still, when I was a kid, I had never considered being a missionary when I grew up. It was not until I was sixteen that God called me into the mission field of Latin America.

For the past several years, I have been earnestly pursuing God’s calling on my life to be a missionary. I earned a degree in Early Childhood Education and Biblical Studies from Cincinnati Christian University to better equip myself for the mission field. I also took many opportunities to work in ministry through internships in children’s ministry and leading worship for a Hispanic church.

My greatest desire is to teach children the Bible and help them build a deep relationship with God. I also want to equip others (especially parents) with the knowledge and the tools to teach the next generation of Christ followers. Ultimately, I hope that my work will glorify God and expand His kingdom.

2a92e97b-5e31-4a50-ae1f-3b95ca7997aaA little over a decade ago, a team of Avant missionaries started a church plant in Argentina. Now it’s a growing church of about 30 adults and 20 kids. They strive to follow God in every aspect of their lives and also have a passion to share the Gospel with their neighbors. I am so excited to be joining the church in their ministry! While I am in Argentina, I will work to strengthen the children’s ministry of the church. This will include equipping current volunteers with more knowledge and methods of teaching, resourcing lesson plans, and coordinating family outreach programs.

Read more and connect with Gabriela here.

Learn more about our local missions efforts here.