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Come as you are

We are a "Come As You Are" type of church.  No matter where you are on your path with Christ, you are welcome in a comfortable and friendly atmosphere here at Crossroads.  We meet in the historic Sherman House Theater, which still has much of its 100-year-old historic character intact!  We are usually seated at tables- dinner theater style- and hope that it is easy for people to meet each other.

Worship Services

Our worship style is participatory, with interaction, videos, music and singing.  We often refer to our theater as "God's living room."  It's a time for God's family to come together in a comfortable atmosphere.  It's an opportunity to learn, interact, and have a lot of fun together.   

Coffee, juice, donuts and bagels

Grab a cup of coffee and donuts on us before each Suday service starts.  Feel free to take it to one of the many tables or the balcony and enjoy it during the celebration.  


We also have a "mother's quiet room" on the 2nd floor for taking care of babies as well as fun classes on the 3rd floor for nursery thru 5th grade during the 10:30 service.  We have a check-in system to protect your kiddos and our leaders are trained and excited to have your kids join us! kidsconnect-new


Music and Life-Impacting Messages

Our worship services typically have some songs with a full band and a relevant message taught from the Bible to help us know how to live what the Bible says.   We'd love to have you join us!

LOCATION- On the square in beautiful Sullivan, IN. 

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