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AnnouncementSlides (8)

Life with God is a mixture of finding complete safety and security in Jesus along with embarking on the riskiest adventure of your life! I’ve often heard that you might spell faith, R-I-S-K! But what are we really risking when we follow Jesus?

Think about it. We know that when we follow Christ we have built our lives on the Rock and we cannot be moved. It is as solid as it gets! Yet, stepping out in faith feels so dangerous! Why?

The risk is our own comfort and reputation. When we step out in faith, there’s the chance that we might fail or get it wrong. We may look foolish to others! We might be very uncomfortable. Do we trust God?

Here’s a secret: We find ourselves in the risk. What does that mean? You won’t really know what you are made of until you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone. You also won’t know the power of God until you’ve had to rely on his power! The very first step of following Jesus is to leave what we are used to. We leave our kingdoms behind and enter God’s kingdom! It feels uncomfortable to us because everything is new. But, it’s where we belong.

This new life with God is so good! When we step out in faith and embrace the risk we discover Jesus. We discover how he has empowered us through the Holy Spirit! We discover in both big ways and small, that God can be trusted and what he says is true!

For many of us, one of the greatest risks is to let others see who we really are. We often go through life wearing masks and “acting” like someone that’s not really us. But God invites us to take off the masks and trust him. As scary as this is, when we can take a step of vulnerability with a safe person, the acceptance and love is healing and transformational! We then discover the freedom of living without the masks, finding ourselves in a lifestyle of risk!