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This week (watch here) at church we discussed what faithful waiting looked like.  We see how Jesus appeared to his disciples after the Resurrection and then told them to wait: “Stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).  There was a period of uncertainty—what would happen next?  What does ‘power from on high’ even look like?

Jesus had a period of waiting too.

As we consider how God has us in seasons of waiting and preparation, we can also appreciate that Jesus had a period of waiting too.  He came as a baby and lived among us.  He grew up as a (somewhat) typical Hebrew boy, living in family and learning the ways of the community.  For thirty years he was waiting on the right time to announce his mission. 

In John 2:4, Jesus’ mother asks him to “help” with the wine shortage at a wedding.  His reply was, “Woman, why do you involve me?”…“My hour has not yet come.” This is interesting on many levels, one of which is this awareness that Jesus has about the timing.  He recognizes that he has a big mission and he is anticipating it—but it wasn’t time yet.  He was in a season of waiting.

In fact, Jesus waited 30 years for 3 years of powerful ministry. We can also remember how Moses spent 40 years waiting in the desert before God spoke to him from a burning bush, and then how the Israelites later had to wait in the desert another 40 years before they could enter the promised land. We could also talk about Joseph's journey of waiting (including being sold into slavery!) before he would see God move him into authority and save the Israelites from famine.  The point is that waiting is often part of the process- a LONG PART! It's not fun to wait and we need to encourage ourselves that Jesus is still working and he is still faithful.

One of the things I love about Jesus is that he doesn’t ask us to do things that he hasn’t done himself.  He is our example.  Even in our periods of waiting, he can identify with us.  He’s been there.  Can you imagine what it might have been like for Jesus to realize he had power and words of life, but it wasn’t yet time to reveal that? To see those in need and still keep waiting

Even when Jesus did reveal himself and begin preaching and teaching, it had a very measured and purposeful feel to it.  He was very intentional about his mission, never impatient or rushing.  As Dallas Willard has said, Jesus was “relaxed.” (Read more here.) 

As we find ourselves also waiting on things in a world that is impatient and moves non-stop, we can learn a lesson from Jesus about waiting well.  Spend time with the Father and move with him.  Even God rested after 6 days of creating the world! If God the Father rested, and Jesus rested, we can rest in our times of waiting.  Relax with Jesus who hasn’t forgotten you and is always on time!


From Peter's Blog: